The trilogy of Identities is a collection of three plays that explore the theme of identity and transformation. Developed over a period of almost fifteen years, these three documentary theater pieces take us on a vertiginous quest into our inner worlds and challenges the very foundation of our identities. The three plays are all presented in performance situations without a traditional stage. Instead, the audience sits in a circle together with the performers, listening to their conversations.

In Wild Minds, the situation is a group therapy session for compulsive daydreamers, a rare but real psychological disorder where people become obsessed by their secret imaginary worlds. Orlando and Mikael is based on the recordings of two Swedish men who both regret going through sexual reassignment surgery and becoming women. And in The Invisible Adventure, the spectators listen to a conversation between three characters who share spectacular stories about their identity transformations. One of of them is based on interviews with a French man who was the first in the world to receive a facial transplantation and who talks about the challenge of adapting to a new life living with the face of someone else.

Orlando and Mikael premiered with the title Regretters (Ångrarna) at Stockholms Stadsteater in 2006 and has since been translated into several languages and performed in countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Norway, South Korea, and Chile. Wild Minds was originally made for Moderna Museet in Stockholm in collaboration with Dramaten - The Royal Dramatic Theatre and The Schaubühne in Berlin. The Schaubühne has staged all the three plays of the trilogy during their festival for international new drama, FIND (2008, 2016, 2022). The Invisible Adventure premiered at Festival d’Automne in 2020. The festival presented all three works together at Théâtre de Gennevilliers in Paris 2022, including a new French production of Regretters with the new title Orlando and Mikael. The three french plays were developed in collaboration with the dramaturg and translator Marianne Ségol.

In 2022, the three plays were published as a book by the Italian publishing house il Saggiatore.

For more information on each play, please visit their individual pages: The Invisible Adventure, Wild Minds and Orlando et Mikael. To see tour dates visit the calendar.


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